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Xunte communication was awarded the honorary title of "2020 Jiangxi Poyang love model collective"

Date: 2022-08-11Number: 1619

On August 20, the conference to commemorate the World Humanitarian Day and 2020 Jiangxi Poyang love model was held in Nanchang, which was jointly sponsored by Jiangxi Provincial Civilization Office, provincial Civil Affairs Department, Provincial Health Commission, provincial poverty Alleviation Office, Provincial Federation of industry and commerce, and provincial Red Cross Society. Xunte communication won the honor of "2020 COVID-19 pneumonia prevention and control love model collective".

Li Bingjun, deputy secretary of the Jiangxi provincial Party committee, Ma Zhiwu, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the provincial people's Congress, sun Jusheng, vice governor of the provincial government and chairman of the provincial Red Cross Society, and Lei Yuanjiang, vice chairman of the provincial people's Political Consultative Conference, attended the meeting. At the meeting, enterprises and units that won the honorary title of model collective were announced. Zhou Biyun, director of the general affairs department, attended the meeting on behalf of xuntech.

At the press conference, President sun Jusheng, on behalf of the provincial government and the provincial Red Cross Society, expressed gratitude to the loving enterprises and individuals who actively participated in and contributed to the work of fighting epidemic and flood. He stressed that "the rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of every man". Entrepreneurs have a sense of responsibility and a sense of home and country. While running a good enterprise and producing good products, they should also take the initiative to assume corporate social responsibility, and create a corporate image that is rich with virtue, rich with love and rich with responsibility. At the same time, the Red Cross Societies at all levels in the province are also required to manage and make good use of every penny of donations and every donated material, live up to the love and expectations of the society, use sincere feelings and practical work, pool strength and love, and make new and greater contributions to the decisive construction of a well-off society in an all-round way and the construction of a rich, harmonious and beautiful Jiangxi.

Xunte communication has actively contributed to the work of COVID-19, flood fighting and disaster relief. In February, the epidemic prevention and control work across the country was faced with severe challenges. In response to the initiative of Jiangxi Province to collect medical protection materials, Xunte communications donated 3000 sets of medical protection clothing to Jiangxi Province on February 4 and sent them to the front line of epidemic prevention work. In July, continuous rainfall brought flood disaster again. Xunte communications immediately purchased a batch of living materials and sent them to several flood control duty stations in Nanchang. Action is power. On the public welfare Road, Xunte communication has been practicing corporate social responsibility with practical actions.