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Love donation and warmth: Xunte communications donated materials to help prevent and fight floods

Date: 2018-07-13Number: 1684

Since July, the continuous rainfall has caused many places to be affected by floods. The situation of flood fighting and flood prevention in various places is severe, and Jiangxi's flood control emergency response has also entered level I status.

The flood is merciless and the flood is unique. In the face of the fierce flood disaster, after actively participating in the epidemic prevention and anti epidemic support work, Xunte communication once again joined in the flood prevention and anti flood work, giving play to the strength of the enterprise and contributing to the flood prevention and anti flood work.

On July 17, after completing the procurement of materials, Xunte communication contacted the Aixi Lake Management Office of Nanchang high tech Zone and immediately sent these materials to five local flood control duty stations to supplement the living materials for the staff at the duty stations.

Pack instant noodles, eight treasure porridge, mineral water and other materials

Depart and send to each flood control duty point

The materials were successfully delivered to five duty stations including Beili village and Yuwei village

Zhou Biyun, director of general affairs department, on behalf of Xunte Communications

For the hard-working flood control staff

Bring a care and sympathy