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Advance endlessly and create the future together

Date: 2018-01-20Number: 1834

On January 20, the annual report and commendation conference of Xunte communications with the theme of "advancing without end and creating the future together" was held in the Huayi hotel of Nanchang Greenland. All Xunte people gathered in Nanchang from different cities and gathered together to share this annual event.


At the meeting, the leaders in charge of each system and department directors of the company reported on the sales, products, R & D, frontier projects, finance and human resources in 2018, and made a speech on the future planning of 2019.

Subsequently, at the commendation meeting, Zheng Bo, chairman of the board of directors, sun Ding, general manager, Guo Kaijia, deputy general manager, and Zhang Wei, deputy general manager, respectively awarded medals to the gold medal team and the gold medal employees.

Zheng Bo, chairman of the board, awarded medals to the gold medal team



Sun Ding, general manager, Guo Kaijia, deputy general manager, and Zhang Wei, deputy general manager, awarded medals to the gold medal employees


At the end of the meeting, Zheng Bo, chairman of the board of directors, made a wonderful speech with the theme of "everything in the past is a prologue". He said that "all the bits and pieces of our past, all the efforts and all the setbacks will eventually become our glory". In the next three years, Xunte communications will continue to adhere to the core values of "people-oriented and pursuit of excellence", grasp the development opportunities, and realize takeoff in the new year.



Summing up and reviewing the past year, President Zheng mentioned that 2018 is destined to be a year worth remembering. The changes in the international situation affect everyone in the industry. In the context of the overall economy being affected, in addition to the common challenges, there are also achievements made in the rush to open the 2018 of fast. The mobile market has been opened from a small amount at the beginning of the year to a strategic breakthrough at the end of the year. The product system facing the 5g market has been continuously improved, and the manufacturing capacity and quality management level have been greatly improved. Under such a difficult environment, Xunte has withstood the test of the market and established itself in an invincible position in the commercial undercurrent with its core competitiveness.

"Life is like a marathon. The starting is not the most important thing. The persistence of the process and the tireless pursuit of the goal are the most important." From the beginning of its establishment, Xunte has always taken "becoming the world's leading optical interconnection solution provider" as its vision, and has always carried out strategic planning around this ultimate goal. It is the "muscle" of Xunte people and an important symbol that makes Xunte different from other companies.


For the future, President Zheng pointed out the future direction of Xunte with the two keywords of "pursuit of excellence" and "people-oriented". From the beginning of sales to now, Xunte has its own core technology. The choice of the market is not accidental. Behind the continuous breakthrough is the continuous accumulation of R & D technology over the past four years. No matter in the period of high-speed development or low-speed stealth, Xunte people always convey a kind of high morale and bold pursuit for the future to the outside, and adhere to their own ideas on the road to excellence. In the next three years, Xunte will continue to "people-oriented" as always, and give more resources to the company and employees. Provide a better office environment for all employees of the company by establishing a new enterprise park and R & D center; We will continue to introduce high-end strategic talents, absorb excellent talents in the industry, constantly optimize team building, and lead Xunte products to a broader domestic and international market.

The year 2019 is also a year to continue to run firmly towards the vision. It is hoped that all Xunte people can bravely face difficulties, settle down and move forward with Xunte firmly towards the goal, "truly gather a group of people with similar aspirations", and through joint efforts, walk out of an independent market belonging to Xunte.

"Every winter is followed by a spring. 2019, let's continue to embrace spring!"