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Give the thumbs-up! Chairman Zheng Bo won the honorary title of "excellent socialist builder with Chinese characteristics" in Jiangxi Province

Date: 2022-08-11Number: 2616

On December 14, Jiangxi held a teleconference to commend the province's development of non-public economy, to commend the advanced units and individuals promoting the development of non-public economy from 2018 to 2020. Yi Lianhong, Secretary of Jiangxi provincial Party committee, attended and spoke. At the meeting, chairman Zheng Bo was commended and awarded the honorary title of "excellent builder of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Jiangxi Province".

Picture from Jiangxi

With the spirit of bravely standing at the forefront of the tide, we will strive to be the first to create new glory in the development of non-public economy

Zheng Bo, chairman of Xunte communication, graduated from Zhejiang University in 2000 and joined Huawei after graduation. He once served as general manager of Huawei Jiangxi branch. In 2012, he founded Shenzhen Xunte Communication Technology Co., Ltd. and in 2017, he founded Jiangxi Xunte Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

Development is the first priority, talent is the first resource, and innovation is the first driving force. In the past few years, under the leadership of Zheng Bo, Xunte communication has developed at an unconventional speed and become a rising star in the domestic optical module industry. In particular, it occupies the first place in the country in the share of 5g optical modules, and has contributed Xunte solutions and strength to China's 5g construction. The company has made outstanding contributions to the economic and social development of Jiangxi Province from the 4-person team in the initial stage to the scale of more than 700 people.

From the beginning of founding Jiangxi Xunte, Zheng Bo has adhered to the concept of "retaining Jiangxi talents and jointly building Jiangxi great cause", actively cooperated with local universities in Jiangxi to carry out the combination of production, study and research. Every year, he recruited fresh graduates from Nanchang University, Nanchang University of Aeronautics and technology, Jiangxi University of Finance and economics and other local universities to join Xunte, focusing on cultivating local optoelectronic technology talents. Since 2017, nearly 200 fresh graduates have been recruited.

The company adheres to the independent innovation of core technology and continues to promote the R & D breakthrough of key products. The annual R & D investment exceeds 10% of the revenue. At present, it has more than 200 patents, covering semiconductor materials, optical devices, optical modules and other fields. Since 2018, the company has taken the lead in undertaking a number of national, provincial and municipal key R & D projects, and initially built a domestic leading optical module design, optoelectronic hybrid integrated packaging, and silicon-based optoelectronic integrated packaging platform. The company has an industry-leading intelligent manufacturing workshop, a production base of 12000 square meters in Nanchang, and a production capacity of 5 million optical modules. In the past four years, the compound growth rate of Jiangxi Xunte has exceeded 148%, making positive contributions to the development of the optoelectronic information industry in Jiangxi Province.

Taking the initiative to assume social responsibility and give full play to the strength of the enterprise is the original intention of Xunte communication. While the company is developing and growing, it actively participates in various social welfare undertakings, donates money to students for many times, and actively practices corporate responsibility.

● in February 2020, the epidemic prevention and control work across the country was faced with severe challenges. The company actively responded to Jiangxi's initiative to raise medical protection materials, contacted various parties, imported 3000 sets of medical protective clothing from Japan in the shortest time to support Jiangxi in fighting the epidemic, and then contacted the Chinese Association of Nebraska in the United States to donate 200000 medical gloves to Jiangxi Province. At the most critical moment, the company reflected the love, responsibility and efficiency of the Xunte people, It was highly praised by the provincial and municipal leaders

● in 2021, the company signed a school enterprise industry university research cooperation agreement with Nanchang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics to donate money and materials to the university to help the University's optoelectronic discipline construction and talent training. The company also actively participated in the poverty alleviation construction of Debao County, Guangxi Province, which is the counterpart of Nanshan District, Shenzhen, and practiced corporate responsibility with practical actions to contribute to the revitalization of rural areas and promote common prosperity.

Xunte communication Park

In the process of rapid development, Xunte communications has successively won the honorary titles of national high-tech enterprise, national specialized and special new "small giant" enterprise, Jiangxi specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprise, Jiangxi specialized small giant enterprise, Jiangxi seed Unicorn enterprise, Jiangxi key enterprise in leading industry of industrial and financial cooperation, Nanchang 100 key industrial enterprises, and was approved to build Guangdong silicon-based Optoelectronic Engineering Technology Research Center Jiangxi provincial enterprise technology center and Nanchang high speed optical communication module engineering technology research center.

Chairman Zheng Bo has successively won the honorary titles of local leading talents in Shenzhen, high-level talents in Jiangxi, advanced individuals of Returned Overseas Chinese and their relatives in China, and outstanding entrepreneurs in Nanchang high tech Zone; He was successively elected as a member of the Fourth Committee of the Youth Committee of the all China Federation of overseas Chinese, vice president of the Jiangxi overseas Chinese Youth Association, Executive Committee of the Jiangxi Federation of industry and commerce, and Executive Committee of the Nanchang Federation of industry and commerce. In October this year, he was elected as a representative of the new Nanshan District People's Congress of Shenzhen.

Honor belongs to the past, and the future has a long way to go

Under the leadership of chairman Zheng Bo, Xunte communications will not forget its original intention of "creating a good product for the motherland", and will persist in pursuing excellence and become a model of innovation and entrepreneurship; Bravely shoulder social responsibilities and be a model of returning to society; We will continue to enhance the core competitiveness and sustainable development capacity of enterprises and make greater contributions to writing a new chapter in the development of the non-public economy in the new era.