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Chen Jinqiao, member of the party leading group and assistant director of Jiangxi Provincial Department of science and technology, and his party came to Xunte communication for investigation

Date: 2018-08-11Number: 1691

On March 30, Chen Jinqiao, member of the Party group of Jiangxi Provincial Department of science and technology, assistant to the director and Secretary General of the provincial 03 special committee, led the experts from Nanchang big data Bureau, China Mobile, Nanchang University and other units to visit and investigate Xunte communication. Zheng Bo, chairman of Xunte communication, Ying Yafei, general manager of Jiangxi Xunte communication, and Zhou Biyun, director of the general department, accompanied him.

During the inspection, Chen Jinqiao and his party first visited the company's exhibition hall. Yang Yu, director of the bidding Center, gave a detailed introduction to the company's development profile, product development, market application and independent innovation. Chen Jinqiao expressed concern about the company's leading-edge product series.

Subsequently, Chen Jinqiao and his party held a symposium in the company. At the symposium, Zhou Biyun, director of the general affairs department, made a relevant report on the company's optimization of talent structure, increase of R & D investment, layout of the global market, and resumption of production. Zheng Bo, chairman of the board, focused on introducing the research and strategic planning of 5g and data center optical module products of the company under the background of new infrastructure.

After listening to the report, Chen Jinqiao agreed with the development direction of Xunte communications. He believed that enterprises should achieve in-depth development in professional fields and create characteristic industries, which is consistent with the planning direction of the government. As an "enterprise with R & D strength", Xunte communication will also be able to drive the cooperation of industry partners and developers in the future, and develop together with the upstream and downstream of the industry. At the same time, the experts participating in the symposium also gave relevant suggestions and opinions on the introduction of the company, expressing the hope that the cooperation between industry, University and research can be strengthened to achieve a win-win situation in talent training and technology research.

Chen Jinqiao spoke highly of the rapid development momentum shown by the company in recent years and the opportunity to achieve a new round of breakthroughs under the background of 5g new infrastructure. He said that Xunte communication has a keen "technology smell" and "market smell". Technically, it can accurately position, deeply explore the technological frontier in the field of optical modules, and develop in the direction of industrial depth; In the market, we are good at filling the market gaps through our own development, transforming them into market standards, and realizing the rapid growth of enterprises in the industry based on strong R & D capabilities and rapid product updates. In particular, the construction of 5g new infrastructure industry under the background of the epidemic situation has enabled enterprises to seize rare development opportunities.

For the future development of Xunte communications, Chen Jinqiao also placed expectations on the company: first, in Jiangxi, for China, to the world. He said that it is not only necessary to continue to improve the comprehensive strength of the enterprise, but also to strengthen the development goal, integrate resources, and combine the national market environment and general trend to constantly promote the enterprise to approach the global leading level of the industry. 2、 Do a good job in the role of Empowerment under the new infrastructure. Under the background of new infrastructure construction, the construction progress of new infrastructure such as 5g and data center is further accelerated. Optical modules play an important role in the end-to-end series connection in the construction, playing the role of accelerator and enabler. Enterprises should seize the construction opportunities of the new era and play the key role of enterprises in the field of optical modules.

The beginning of 2020 is a difficult year, but it also carries forward with opportunities. Especially in the epidemic period, the application of informatization and digitization in many industries highlights the advantages of 5g network. The emergence of new infrastructure further confirms the general direction and trend of future development. As one of the core devices under construction, the optical module has also ushered in the first round of demand explosion in the R & D layout insisted by the company since 2012. In the future, Xunte communication will continue to base on the optical module industry and seek development in a down-to-earth manner, so that Xunte communication will grow into a global leading optical interconnection solution supplier and give more play to Xunte's strength.