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He Xingdao, vice president of Nanchang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and his party visited Jiangxi Xunte communication for exchange

Date: 2018-05-31Number: 1814

On the morning of May 31, he Xingdao, vice president of Nanchang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Professor Wan Shengpeng, Professor Chen Xuegang and Professor Wu Qiang from the school of testing and Optoelectronic Engineering visited Xunte communication to discuss matters related to school enterprise cooperation. Zheng Bo, chairman of Xunte communications, and Wei Zhijian, deputy general manager, attended the forum.

Zheng Bo, chairman of the board of directors, warmly welcomed vice president he Xingdao and his party, expressed heartfelt thanks to Nanchang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics for cultivating excellent talents and supporting the development of the enterprise, briefly introduced the company's situation and achievements in 5g industry, and expressed the feelings of fast communication rooted in Jiangxi and contributing to the construction and service of Jiangxi.

Vice president he highly affirmed the remarkable achievements made by the company, expressed appreciation for the achievements made by Xunte communication in the fields of enterprise R & D technology and 5g industry by actively undertaking social responsibility and supporting education, and also thanked Xunte communication for actively promoting school enterprise cooperation and exchange.

Vice president he Xingdao and his party visited the exhibition hall of the company

At the forum, Mr. Wei gave detailed explanations on product types and product planning, and vice president he also introduced the development history, faculty and characteristic specialties of Nanchang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

In the face of the scarcity of talent resources related to Jiangxi optical communication industry, Mr. Zheng proposed the intention of the company to cooperate with Nanchang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in terms of talent training and project application, hoping to retain and train more professional talents for Jiangxi optical communication industry through the joint efforts of both parties.

After listening to the company's proposal on talent training and platform construction, vice president he made a targeted response based on the actual situation of the school. He said that in terms of talent training, Nanchang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has a specialty corresponding to the direction of the enterprise. The enterprise can introduce outstanding talents on campus through various channels such as school recruitment. The university is also willing to provide on-the-job training channels for enterprise employees. In terms of basic research, both schools and enterprises can jointly build industry, University and research bases through technological innovation. With regard to the application of scientific research projects, vice president he said that the university is willing to actively participate in the application of various national and provincial scientific research projects with enterprises, so as to give play to the talents and technology advantages of both universities and enterprises, and jointly promote the development of Jiangxi 5g industry.

Vice president he Xingdao and his party had a group photo with the graduates of Nanchang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics


Vice president he Xingdao and his party took a group photo with the company's leaders

This school enterprise exchange not only builds a bridge for communication between the two sides, but also paves the way for the follow-up cooperation and training of talents. I believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, the school enterprise win-win situation will be realized.