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Never one kind of insistence will be disappointed | 2022 New Year's greetings

Date: 2022-01-01Number: 2433

"This is the best age and also the worst age". The year 2021, which is about to pass, once again confirms this famous saying of Dickens. Under the severe situation of weak market demand, all of us in Xunte were determined to work hard, and finally reversed the passive situation of negative growth in the first half of the year. In the whole year, orders increased by more than 32%, and the number of high-speed optical module shipments increased by more than 400%, which once again wrote the glory of Xunte.

The beginning of 2021 was unexpectedly grim. 5g construction slowed down significantly, the domestic market was seriously involved, and the international market was covered with dark clouds. All the signs are that this will be the most difficult year ever. However, we did not complain and hesitate. In 2021, we will continue to promote the R & D plan of 100g / 200g / 400g high-speed modules along with the established annual R & D goals, and take the lead in the industry to realize error free transmission of 400g SR8 optical signals through 300 m OM4 optical fiber. Together with cumec, we successfully won the "400gbps oriented" award in Shenzhen

2km optical interconnection silicon-based optoelectronic integrated emission chip research and development "key technology research project; Joint Zhijiang laboratory launched the 800g optical chip and module research and development project; The project of "high efficiency silicon-based optical waveguide amplifiers and lasers for scale integration", a key special project of "information photonic technology" in the national key R & D plan of the 14th five year plan, which was jointly applied by Zhejiang University and other partners, was approved by the Ministry of science and technology. In 2021, we were also successively approved by Shenzhen high reliability information photonic integrated packaging engineering technology research center and Jiangxi provincial enterprise technology center, becoming the founding member of China Mobile Group information and communication chip innovation center, and selected as the second batch of national specialized and new "small giant" enterprises recommended by the Ministry of industry and information technology.

I'm not afraid of floating clouds to cover my eyes, but I'm still calm when flying across the clouds. This is the best portrayal of fast 2021. We create ingenuity with our original intention, and keep the original intention with our ingenuity. Numerous enterprise cases tell us that only innovation can make enterprises survive. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles lie ahead, Xunte will never change its confidence in R & D investment, its determination to win through technology and its perseverance to create a good product for the motherland!

Hundreds of boats compete for the current. Those who strive for the boat will be the first. Thousands of sails will be launched. Those who are brave will win!

In the new year, we will continue to increase our investment in R & D with a sense of urgency that time will not wait for us. In 2022, the R & D centers in Shenzhen and Nanchang will be further expanded and the third R & D center will be established. Strengthen the IPD management of R & D projects, improve the manufacturability of R & D products, make refined fist products, make a full range of products, and quickly respond to customer needs. The company will establish a central research institute, widely distribute heroic posts, and attract domestic and foreign technology giants. The Central Research Institute will focus on Information Photonics integration technology, focusing on 800g / 1.6T products as a breakthrough, and actively carry out "forward-looking, basic and common" Research on the new generation of ultra-high-speed optoelectronic hybrid integration and silicon-based optoelectronic integration, and strive to become a leader in Information Photonics Technology.

The new year is the quality year of fast. We will improve the design quality, strengthen the manufacturing process verification, implement the real-time monitoring of the production process, promote the strategic selection and baseline requirements of suppliers, improve the inspection and interception ability of incoming materials, meet the needs of standard customers, and ensure that the quality level is leading in the industry.

In the new year, we will continue to improve our high-end manufacturing capacity. Shenzhen and Nanchang have expanded purification workshops simultaneously, invested heavily in high-end manufacturing equipment, and improved 100g / 200g / 400g device packaging and module manufacturing capacity. We will strive to improve the large-scale delivery capacity of major products and the flexible delivery capacity of customized products with "small batches and multiple batches". We should promote lean manufacturing with the determination and courage to heal the wounds, improve manufacturing efficiency, reduce manufacturing costs and keep up with the industry's first-class level.

In the new year, we will comprehensively strengthen it construction. The current it level of the company is far from meeting the business development speed. We should plan the IT system for the future, focus on value realization, risk control and process management through matching with the company's strategy, and make all businesses run orderly under the support of it. In 2022, we will focus on strengthening the construction of Wis, SRM, WMS and other systems to achieve intelligent optimization of the company's operation, management and decision-making.

In the new year, we should uphold the concept of "originating from society and giving back to society" and shoulder more social responsibilities. Adults do good deeds, and their achievements are even greater; Moving good wishes are boundless in quantity. In 2021, the company was successfully selected as the outstanding case of social responsibility of private enterprises in Nanchang. This is not only an honor, but also a responsibility and responsibility. In 2022, we will set up Xunte scholarships in Nanchang University of Aeronautics and other universities, donate teaching and experimental equipment, and help young people grow; It is necessary to strengthen the contact with the community where the company is located, pay attention to public welfare undertakings and relieve the people's worries; We should actively participate in rural revitalization, help the poor, and promote the development of old areas.

Although the epidemic is still spreading around the world, we have never lost confidence in tomorrow. Zhang Wenhong said, "the running water must compete first, and it depends on the continuity." In the past nine years, swift has gone through the road of "turning uncertainty into certainty". Looking back on this year, it is indeed very difficult, and it is a great challenge to the body and mind of every Xunte person. But we have never shaken our confidence. When we fail, we will never leave; In times of difficulty, we encourage each other; When confused, we encourage each other. Every ordinary day is an indelible image in the growth of fast. Life has always been a chicken feather, but no matter how difficult it is, please don't give up lightly, because there is never a kind of persistence that will be disappointed. There will also be many difficulties in the future, waiting to collide with us head-on. However, even if no one cheers and no one accompanies us, we still have to rush up with our heads held high. What really changes our destiny is not the opportunity that comes, but our attitude.

Where the heart goes, it is plain to walk in the past. Life is like an adverse journey, and a reed is used to sail.

Chairman: Zheng Bo

December 31, 2021