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Sont takes the lead in applying for approval of National Key Projects

Date: 2019-06-25Number: 2601

Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST) announced the list of projects for the key projects of "optoelectronics and microelectronics devices and integration" of the national key R & D plan in 2018. The project of "Silicon- based optoelectronic chips and subsystems for 25G / 50G / 100G PON applications" led and applied by SONT was approved and supported by the funds of national science& technology projects, and was successfully selected into the key projects. At present, the project has been publicized, and through the project task negotiation and signing stage.

Sont takes the lead in applying for approval of National Key Projects

The main research content of the project involves the design and production of optical chip to silicon optical access optical module, which connects the whole industrial chain and cooperates with the upstream and downstream of the industry. In the spirit of open sharing, joint development and joint research, the project team is committed to improving the core competitiveness of silicon-based optoelectronic chips